This is Ananth – Founder of Camphor Networks, a niche networking technology startup company where we are building a modern, highly distributed and extremely scalable, micro-services architecture based Camphor Networks Platform.
- Have you ever wondered why building computing clusters especially extending over to public clouds is so hard. Networking always poses huge problems, doesn’t it?
- Talking about networking, have you ever hit your head questioning why testing and managing data networks is so hard, especially when working with multiple vendors with different products with myriad of releases?
- So many cool open source based software is out there for use. Have you ever pondered, how many actually can be availed in reality, when dealing with real world problems?
If so, Camphor Networks Platform could become your Best Friend indeed!

Using this platform, you can easily
- Create Kubernetes Clusters on-premises and dynamically expand to public clouds such as AWS, Azure, GCP, Equinix, Vultr, etc.
- Seamless multi-cloud networking is all managed by the camphor networks platform using secure data tunnels
- Clusters can be easily managed using the really cool Kubernetes Dashboard
- On top of this cluster, specifically to address Networking use cases, you can create arbitrary data networks with ease at scale!
- Different Vendor’s VNFs can be used such as of Arista, Cisco, Juniper, Cumulus Networks, etc.
- Emulated networks can be used for testing, training, troubleshooting and telemetry.
- Networks can be managed as a whole, with ability to roll-back and roll-forward easily
- Networks can also be shared easily across the teams, thus enabling collective team innovation
- Avail many popular third party free open-source web applications
- Deploy in minutes using just a few clicks
- Access all applications readily, using the same username and password from within the platform portal.
- All associated micro-services of each application are automatically created and configured by the Camphor Networks Platform
- Do you want to know more about this distributed computing platform ?
- Watch some really cool videos here, at Camphor Networks youtube channel. Please subscribe if you are interested.
- See slides describing some of these ideas.
Please contact me to watch a working live demo of the platform, running at scale across multiple public clouds! (I am not just talking in marketing terms).
I look forward to working with you in engaging with this amazing Camphor Networks Platform.
Let us NEST (Network Expand Share Triumph) together inside and across the MultiClouds!
Best regards,
Ananth Suryanarayana
Founder & CEO @ Camphor Networks
Ph: +1-510-585-5727