Short & Medium Term Goals (Q3/Q4 2021)
1. Build Camphor Networks Platform – A Distributed Platform to enable users to
a. Seamlessly build clusters of servers on-premise and extend to public clouds such as Vultr, AWS, GCP, Azure, Equinix, etc. providing a MultiCloud environment
b. Build large scale networks off multi-vendor VNFs such as Arista’s, Cisco’s, Juniper’s, etc. in order to enable users to conduct testing, training, telemetry, management. efficiently at one place, on one platform.
c. Provide ability to conduct BGP Testing at scale
2. Get Beta customers to try out the platform, readily deployable at various public clouds.
Long Term Goals (Q1/Q2 2022)
1. Provide the service as SaaS, by hosting in clouds such as Vultr and AWS.
2. Provide seamless third party applications integration to achieve rich functionality –
3. Enable large enterprises to run large and hyper scale Camphor Networks Platform based clusters, by starting on-premise and then extend over to Public Clouds such as Vultr.
4. Get Service Providers, Enterprises and Cloud Providers as potential customers to avail rich feature sets provided and enabled seamlessly by the Camphor Networks Platform.